Chinese Medicine Candida

Chinese Medicine Candida Therapy

Wondering how Chinese medicine and Candida work together?

Eastern medicine including Chinese medicine and many other ancient medical practices differ greatly from traditional medicine.

The largest difference is how they approach ailments.

Traditional western medicine tends to treat the symptom.

Chinese medicine approaches the body as a whole and seeks to understand and treat the cause of the symptom.

In the case of Chinese medicine candida therapy the effect would be to determine the cause of the candida overgrowth rather than to simply treat the symptoms.

Chinese Medicine Candida Approaches

Chinese medicine typically takes a combination of approaches to alleviating Candida overgrowth.

These approaches can include but are not limited to:

Acupuncture - A technique of inserting and manipulating fine needles into specific points on the body. It’s designed to alleviate pain and balance qi or energy flow. It is commonly used as a second tier of treatment to combat candidiasis once herbal therapy and dietary changes have reduced the Candida in your body.

Acupressure – Much like acupuncture, acupressure is a technique of manipulating those very same pressure points addressed via acupuncture however instead of needles hands and fingers are often used to apply pressure. The intention is the same, to balance the body’s blood flow and energy in an attempt to bring about a balanced system.

Herbal Therapy – herbal therapy is typically the first phase of Chinese medicine and Candida treatment. It’s designed to cleanse the system and then tone it once the Candida balance has been restored.

Qigong - An exercise designed to regulate the mind and breathing in order to control or promote the flow of qi. Qi is literally translated as breath or energy flow.

Chinese medicine will often also take dietary habits into account since Candida is caused by and large by sugars, the over-consumption of yeast products, and alcohol consumption.

Chinese Medicine Candida Cures– the Five ElementsEmbracing the five elements, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners typically consider an overgrowth of Candida as a damp condition and will combat it with fire.

Herbal remedies often include drying and cleansing herbs including:

- Astragalus
- Codonopsis
- Atractylodes
- Dioscorea
- Gentian
- Scullcap
- Gardenia
- Akebia
- Plaintain
- Alisma
- Buplerum
- Rehmannia
- Angelica
- Licorice
- Mint

When treating Candida with Chinese medicine and herbal remedies it’s important to seek a qualified provider. Herbs can and do have side effects, interact with other pharmaceuticals, and may or may not combine well with foods you consume.

Chinese medicine can treat Candida overgrowth effectively. Find a practitioner familiar with Chinese medicine and Candida for the best results.

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