Fibromyalgia and Candida

Fibromyalgia and Candida

To understand the link between fibromyalgia and Candida, it’s important to first understand what the conditions are.

We’ll also take a look at their corresponding symptoms.

You might be surprised how similar they are...


Fibromyalgia is a condition that results in chronic pain. The pain generally lasts for weeks if not months and is present in the entire body. Pain occurs at points in your joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. These points often feel “tender.”

The cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown. There are many theories about what causes it including previous physical or emotional trauma.

Another theory is that it is caused by abnormal pain transmission responses. And still others believe it is caused by a virus though no evidence has been found to support this.

Common Fibromyalgia symptoms include:

* Body aches

* Chronic facial pain or aching

* Fatigue

* Headaches

* Stomach issues including diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas

* Foggy brain and memory troubles

* Muscle and joint pain

* Numbness and tingling

* Insomnia

* Headaches

Treatment for Fibromyalgia includes a number of things including lifestyle changes and pharmaceuticals. The lifestyle changes are generally geared around dietary changes and managing stress.

A fitness regimen is also generally recommended because studies have proven aerobic exercise relieves symptoms.

As you'll see in a minute many fibromyalgia and candida symptoms are very similar.


Candida albicans is a yeast like bacteria that lives naturally in our body. However, due to dietary habits or a compromised immune system, this bacterium can become overgrown. When this happens, Candida symptoms emerge. These symptoms include:

* Body aches

* Chronic facial pain or aching

* Fatigue

* Headaches

* Stomach issues including diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas

* Foggy brain and memory troubles

* Muscle and joint pain

* Insomnia

* Headaches

* Weight gain or loss

* Chronic illness

If you take a look at the list of symptoms for Fibromyalgia you’ll notice they practically mirror each other.

Treatment for Candida overgrowth generally includes dietary changes including cutting back on sugar and foods that act like sugar in your body. Techniques to better manage stress also help manage and eliminate Candida symptoms.

The Fibromyalgia and Candida Link

There are many theories on the link between these two. In some cases scientists believe Candida overgrowth may be a cause for Fibromyalgia. An overgrowth of Candida could be enough to overload a body and cause Fibromyalgia to begin.

Additionally, because many people suffering from Fibromyalgia have found great relief by making dietary changes that eliminate Candida overgrowth the two may have a causal link.

While there has yet to be a proven scientific link between Candida overgrowth and Fibromyalgia, if you suffer from symptoms it’s important to get a proper diagnosis.

You may also want to take steps to eliminate Candida overgrowth from your body. This is accomplished by eating natural, unsweetened yogurt or taking probiotics and by eliminating sugar, yeast, and fermented foods from your diet.

This includes alcohol, baked goods, sugary foods and foods containing white flour like pasta. Mushrooms and dairy are also eliminated or significantly reduced.

Many people who go on a Candida diet find relief from their Candida and fibromyalgia symptoms.

Further Reading: Candida Related Conditions

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Yeast Overgrowth

Depression and Candida

Weight Gain and Constiptation

Celiac Disease and Candidiasis

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