Leaky Gut Symptoms

Leaky Gut Symptoms

The symptoms of leaky gut syndrome (LGS) are varied, but there are some consistencies.

In LGS, the cells that line the intestinal wall have abnormally large spaces between them, making unwanted paths for undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream.

There, the particles are attacked by the body's immune system, producing a wide range of symptoms.

Also, the intestinal permeability means that undesirable bacteria and other microbes can find their way in to the gut as well.

Here are some of the more common leaky gut symptoms.

1. Bloating and Gas

Because the food particles are not digesting properly, the undigested food ferments and causes gas and bloating that can be uncomfortable or painful.

2. Muscle Spasms

Because the gut can not absorb minerals well, deficiencies result. Magnesium deficiency is one of the more common ones, resulting in irregular muscle contractions.

3. Sleep Disturbance

Once again, inefficient magnesium and calcium can contribute to insomnia or otherwise disturbed sleep. The other discomforts associated with LGS can also keep a person awake.

4. Facial Swelling

People with LGS sometimes react to strong perfumes, cigarette smoke, or other smells with facial swelling. Like other inflammatory bodily responses, this is the result of an immune system always set on "high."

5. Food Allergies

This seems to be a strong leaky gut symptom. Because the body "earmarks" the foreign food particles (usually proteins) that make their way into the bloodstream, the individual becomes sensitive to foods containing those same sorts of particles. These earmarks are antigens, cellular "red flags" that signal the body to attack that protein each time it enters the body.

6. Brain Fog

Another thought leaky gut symptoms is brain fog. While many of us have days when we can't think straight, for LGS sufferers it's chronic. It could be due to an overgrowth of candida, which is connected to LGS. It is said that a byproduct of candida is an alcohol-like substance that can produce symptoms of drunkenness or stupor.

7. Hair Loss

The hair loss sometimes experienced by sufferers of LGS could be the result of zinc deficiency. Once again, the inability of the gut to absorb nutrients means the body isn't getting what it needs.

8. Headaches

These could be due to the inflammation in the body or vitamin/mineral deficiencies (or a combination). Sometimes headaches result from muscle spasms in the head and neck.

9. Fatigue

LGS sufferers experience fatigue due to poor nutrient absorption and generally poor digestion. After all, your energy is derived from the digestion of the food you eat.

10. Joint Pain

The inflammatory immune response can affect the joints. Copper, magnesium, and calcium deficiencies can also aggravate or bring on arthritis.

11. Chronic Diarrhea

Inflamed intestinal walls are the precursor to LGS, and an inflamed gut responds by expelling whatever is inflaming or irritating it. Normally, this is a safety measure that expels pathogens from the body.

In LGS, however, normal foods are treated as disease-causing organisms and expelled from the body, allowing little time for absorption (even poor absorption) to take place.

Further Reading - Leaky Gut Syndrome:

General overview of the condition

How this condition may be linked to candida

Treatment options through diet

Causes of LGS and natural cures and remedies

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