Systemic Candida Infection and Symptoms

Are you at risk for developing systemic candida infection?

Candida albicans is a yeast like fungus which lives naturally in our bodies, especially your gut, and on your skin, in your mucus membranes.

However, certain foods, medications and even physical conditions can cause the yeast to overgrow.

From Basic Symptoms to Systemic Candida

Systemic essentially means throughout your systems. Your condition becomes systemic when the overgrowth spreads from one particular area of your body to infect multiple areas including the vagina, digestive tract, kidney and liver, skin, mouth, penis, bladder and bloodstream

If you have a compromised immune system, as with HIV and AIDS, then systemic Candida can be life threatening.

Determining if you have such a severe overgrowth can be difficult. Signs may include:

• Chronic vaginal infections

• Chronic fatigue

• Irritability and depression

• Foggy brain and a difficulty focusing

• Compromised immune symptom and chronic colds

• Chronic rashes

• Chronic digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain

• Chronic skin problems like acne and eczema

• Chronic achiness, joint pain, muscle aches, numbing or tingling

These symptoms vary by individual and by degree. If you suspect you’re suffering from it there are things you can do to eliminate the problem.

Treating the Overgrowth

Candida is caused by three main things. They are:

1. Antibiotics

2. Diet

3. Certain medications including steroids, immune suppressants and illnesses which compromise your immune system

Antibiotics cause an imbalance in the good and bad bacteria in your body. If you have to be on antibiotics, consume probiotics (yogurt is an easy and tasty way to accomplish this).

Proboitics will help rebuild and sustain good bacteria in your gut. Take a Candida support supplement and eliminate sugars by going on a Candida diet. These three steps will help you keep Ccondition at bay.

Diet is significant to this condition in that yeast thrives on sugars. If you’re suffering from systemic Candida you’ll need to essentially starve the Candida in your body by going on a special diet.

Once you’re back to normal levels, which can take anywhere from four weeks to four months depending on the severity of overgrowth, you can begin to gradually return to your normal diet keeping a close eye on your symptoms and your body’s reaction to certain foods.

Finally, if you’re on medications or have a compromised immune system then you’ll want to follow the same protocol as if you were on antibiotics.

Systemic Candida can be serious and the symptoms are certainly difficult to deal with but in most cases it can be reversed.

Through diet chances, supplementation, and careful attention to your body’s signs and signals, you can take control and live a healthy and symptom free life.

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