Candida Depression
Candida Depression
Youre likely familiar with yeast infections and common symptoms of yeast overgrowth.
These symptoms range from acne, vaginal infections and bloating to chronic fatigue, anemia and joint problems.
However, most of the symptoms were familiar with manifest themselves with physical reactions.
Candida depression is more subversive and its not commonly linked to Candida overgrowth, and it is a real and treatable problem.
What Causes It?
There are actually many theories behind the Candida depression link. One common theory is that sugar has an intense effect on brain chemistry.
As does the toxic byproducts of Candida overgrowth. We do know that there is a strong link between what we eat and the chemical effects in the brain.
Another viable theory is that Candida overgrowth depletes absorption of magnesium in the body. Magnesium deficiencies are commonly linked with depression.
Again, a link between the foods we consume, how they interact in our body, and the resulting change in brain chemistry which in this case causes depression.
Finally, though this is a complicated relationship, Candida lessens your bodys ability to manage stress and to manage your immune system.
The result can be chronic pain, chronic illness, and chronic fatigue. All of which do nothing to support a positive and optimistic disposition.
Imagine if youre not sleeping well, not feeling well on a regular basis and youre always sick it most certainly could lead to depression.
Couple that with the fact that many times when people are depressed they treat it with food, sugary comfort foods, and the Candida problem worsens.
There most certainly has been a link between Candida and depression in the medical community. What people have yet to agree on is the cause of depression for people who suffer from chronic Candida overgrowth.
Treating Candida and Depression
Because clinical depression is a complicated issue, its important to get a diagnosis from a qualified doctor or therapist.
Its also important to get a Candida diagnosis. Your doctor can perform a few tests to evaluate you for Candida overgrowth including:
* Candida Immune Complex Assay Test. This tests for the antibodies which combat yeast infections. A large presence of these antibodies would indicate a Candida overgrowth.
* Stool Test to examine and detect Candida in your waste.
* A Candida culture may also be taken if you have oral thrush. Once youve received a Candida overgrowth diagnosis, you can begin to treat the Candida overgrowth. This is usually accomplished by going on a Candida diet. This diet is designed to starve the Candida of the fuel it thrives on sugar.
As Candida overgrowth is reduced and eventually eliminated, proper dietary maintenance is required to keep Candida at bay.
Certain people are more sensitive to Candida overgrowth and the subsequent depression.
Proper attention to both sides of the Candida depression coin must be paid to manage the symptoms and treat the cause.
Further Reading - Candida Related Conditions:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Celiac Disease
Hair Loss and Weight Gain
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