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Sinus Infection and Candida

What’s the Connection: Sinus Infection and Candida?

Sinus infections are common during the winter months.

Did you know that there are only two ways to get a fungal sinus infection?

You can inhale fungus (such as Aspergillius) or mold spores that may be in the air or you can develop an over abundance of Candida albicans in your system which affects your sinus passages.

Candidiasis is the result of having too much Candida albicans in your system.

Your body actually houses two types of intestinal bacteria and they are usually in balance when your body is healthy.

If you’ve been ill and had taken large doses of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, the balance of the good and bad bacteria was tipped in favor of the Candida albicans.

You may also experience this over abundance if you have an auto-immune disease such as arthritis, or if you’re under high levels of stress which lowers the cortisol in your system.

When the breeding environment tips to favor the Candida yeast, it quickly grows out of control and slips into the bloodstream where it can affect nearly every part of the body.

Quite often they cling to intestinal walls, the mucous membranes in your nose or bronchial passages, or in the genital area. This results in jock itch in men and vaginitis in women.

You may not know, however, that the Candida yeast fungus is the cause of many sinus infections. In fact, sinus infection and candida often go hand in hand.

Rather than determining the cause of the infections, many doctors prescribe antibiotics to fight the infections. What they’re actually doing is feeding the cause and they’re not treating the symptoms either.

Having an oral, nasal, or vaginal yeast infection may be an indication that there is too much Candida fungus in our gastrointestinal tract.

How do you diagnose a Candida yeast infection in the sinus passages when the actual yeast is hard to locate in the sinus mucus?

Your best bet is to seek the help of an alternative practitioner who can provide more specialized tests that a traditional doctor may not.

If you are diagnosed with a fungal sinus problem your best bet is to treat it with natural remedies. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat which promotes the growth of yeast. Since simple carbohydrates turn into sugar in your system, you’ll want to limit this, as well.

You’ll also want to avoid any food containing yeast such as bread made with yeast, cheese, mushrooms, and beer. Get ready to eat plenty of proteins, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and complex carbohydrates at least for three weeks.

Before starting any diet, it is best to check with your physician after you have thoroughly researched the diet.

Consuming garlic, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and other natural cures may also help.

However, if you speak with a homeopathic doctor or other alternative practitioner, they will be able to better instruct you on effectively treating a sinus infection that was caused by Candida albicans.

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